Xenonauts base guide
Xenonauts base guide

xenonauts base guide

Often it is better to attack the construction UFO while it is landed as opposed to allowing it to build a base, considering the drain of monthly funds and speeding up of the ticker that alien bases cause.This is a stark contrast from Construction UFOs, which will only ever land once and will quickly escape to space after they take off. UFOs on Research missions that land tends to hang around for a while after they take off, and will sometimes land again.Nonetheless, it is often prudent to check where they were on the ground anyway, just in case it was indeed a Construction mission. However, you may have instead seen a UFO on a Research mission, as that type of mission can also land and is carried out by similar UFOs.

xenonauts base guide xenonauts base guide

Once it has taken off, sending an interceptor to the place where it landed will reveal the base. A UFO on a Construction mission will land, stay on the ground for a considerable length of time, and then take off once it has successfully built a base, at which point it will quickly disappear. These missions are carried out by Corvettes, Landing Ships, and Carriers (Medium, Medium, and Massive size respectively) in that chronological order. Identifying a UFO that you think is on a Construction mission.There are a few ways to deduce a base's probable location before you detect it: Of course, interceptors have a very small radar range, so sending out an interceptor to look for a base is usually a waste of an interceptor if you don't have a good idea of where there might be a base, especially since that interceptor could be standing by to chase down UFOs. On the other hand, interceptors and dropships will always detect a base the second it passes within their radar range, meaning that sending an interceptor to a location where the player suspects there might be an alien base is often the most effective method of finding a base. Further raising the Alien Ticker Rate, meaning the invasion will advance faster than if the base was not established.Įither way, an Alien Base should be removed as soon as possible.Īlien Bases can often be found randomly regardless of their location, but this is rather unreliable.It constantly lowers the region's financial contributions to the Xenonauts project, if left operational it would eventually force the region to abandon the project.It should also be noted that Alien Bases can hold some of the largest Alien forces the player will fight against.Ī functional Alien Base provides two benefits to the Aliens. This does not seem to affect the base for purposes of gameplay, however, the supply UFOs can be used to locate the base, and can also be shot down/assaulted. Once the aliens have constructed a base they will send frequent Supply Run missions to it.

xenonauts base guide

As long as the Alien base remains operational, it will continually increase panic in the region it is in and eventually cause the region to abandon the Xenonauts project, as well as increase the rate at which the Alien Ticker increases.Īnother note is that as the invasion progresses, the Alien bases will eventually increase in size, making destroying the bases significantly harder, but increasing the potential rewards.Īlien Bases will show up as a purple marker on the Geoscape, under the name "Alien Outpost", "Alien Base", or "Alien Fortress", depending on the size of the base. During the construction of the base intense UFO activity will be present transporting supplies and personnel to and from the base site. As the invasion progresses, the Aliens will begin to construct hidden underground bases on Earth.

Xenonauts base guide